The Maharashtra State Council of Examinations (MSCE) has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Education to conduct online exams for typewriting. Although the ministry is yet to decide, the Maharashtra State Association of Shorthand and Typewriting has lauded the move.
Typewriting and shorthand exams come under the Government Commercial Certificate Examinations. “A proposal was sent from the examination council to the ministry in August. All people concerned from the ministry, the examination department and the typewriting association attended the meeting on August 28 where we discussed the software and syllabus and how to go ahead with the exam. We hope to get the approval within a year,” said Mahavir Mane, MSCE Commissioner. He said, “But before qualifying for the online exam, candidates must pass a typewriting exam of completing 30 words per minute.”
At present, there are 2,77,000 typewriting and shorthand students in the state, said Prakash Karale, president, Maharashtra State Association of Shorthand and Typewriting. On the occasion of golden jubilee celebration of the shorthand and typewriting association held in Ahmednagar last December, a demo of the software to be used in online exam was given. “The software that they have developed do not have the options of delete, auto correct or spell check. Hence students will not compromise accuracy for speed,” said Prakash Karale, association president.