MeraCareerGuide.Com was started with the sole focus to help youth who do not have ready access to good mentors and end up making uninformed career. Surabhi Dewra, founder,, feels that the idea of building MeraCareerGuide is to have a system which can help every student, irrespective of location, access to guidance.
Give us a brief of the various reasons behind starting MeraCareerGuide.Com?
I started the venture MeraCareerGuide.Com with the sole focus to help youth who do not have ready access to good mentors in their homes, and therefore end up making uninformed career choices.
Although I was blessed with good education, I still found myself at cross road, seeking for guidance. Friends, family, relatives, seniors come with limited perspective. That is where the idea of building MeraCareerGuide came in – to have a system which can help every student, irrespective of location, get access to guidance.
What are the various difficulties and hurdles encountered in doing business on ground level?
Every business has its own challenges. These challenges mount if the category itself is new. The same goes with career counselling. While middle class as well as lower middle class in India have become consciously aware about the need of getting education, they still lack understanding and clarity on the need and importance of choosing the right education, career counselling.
We have found that even decision makers like school principals are not clear about why they should be making career guidance and counselling a mandatory activity in schools.
What is the market size of the services offered by you in India at present?
India has unique opportunity called “demographic dividend” with humans as most important capita. We all know for a fact that India has the world’s youngest work force with a median age way below that of China and OECD countries. Half the population of India was younger than 25 in 2010, making India a very young country for the next 20 years. This is our market. Counselling, mentoring and guidance are best way to channelise India’s human capital to put their best foot forward. MeraCareerGuide is for students in the age group between 13– 22 years. Career Counselling is priced at Rs.1,000 for students which makes it a market worthRs.5,000 crores.
What are the major benefits for organisations and individuals adopting your solutions?
Students can research around more than 500 various career options across 34 different sectors, know their right fit career through career tests and most important, speak from any location to a career counsellor as and when they want.
This is a one of its kind service which can connect a student to a career counsellor and resolve queries regarding their career.
What are the various methods that you are using to increase the visibility of your organisation?
We have a very strong word of mouth and referral. We are aggressive in our online marketing –including both organic and inorganic. We see technology as a major winning tool to handle scale in order to reach and serve masses. Content marketing, webinars, offline seminars and parent meet ups are some ways we reach out to our audience and talk about MeraCareerGuide and need for career planning.
What is the vision of your company for the next two years?
Our vision is to help every student make an informed career decision and we will constantly keep working towards it till we have not touched the life of every student by helping answer their questions regarding their career.
What are the various initiatives taken by your organisation to emerge as a market leader?
We have built MeraCareerGuide for simplicity. We don’t just want the top 10 per cent highly motivated students and parents to deep dive in career exploration –our intent goes all the way to the bottom 10 per cent. We make sure we cater to every student; not just the academic over achievers. We use technology big time and we will continue to innovate, disrupt and differentiate ourselves with technology.
What are the ways of engaging the customers with you? Any special Case study?
We do many success stories and case studies and publish it online on various platforms. These talk about positive benefits and impact created by MeraCareerGuide on students’ lives. We have hundreds of such interesting stories which we use to engage our audience.
It is overwhelming for us when we hear these success stories and impact from students and parents. That becomes our moment of joy.