Amid the rising movement around the world against use of plastic, a school in Guwahati has set out on a mission other than just teaching students. The Akshar Foundation School, situated in Pamohi on the outer skirts of Guwahati, has started to accept ‘plastic waste’ as tuition fees.
As per the media reports, the school is encouraging students to bring 25 different plastic waste every week in order to get exempted from paying tuition fees.
The school recycles the plastic received from the students. Earlier, the plastic wastes that were burnt to get rid off are now being recycled to make bricks. These bricks made for recycled plastic are used in the construction work.
The Akshar Foundation School was started with 20 students in 2016 with a mission to inculcate vocational skills along with academics. Today, the school has more than 100 students. Notably, it has received the affiliation from National Institute of Open School (NIOS).
Apart from encouraging students to reuse the plastic waste, the school has also helped students get back to school from the local quarry and has improved the enrollment of children.
Usually children of this region work in local quarries to earn livelihood and support family, from a very early age.
In order to help students get back to learning, the school encourages senior students to teach their juniors. An adequate training is given to them to impart teaching responsibilities. Even monetary rewards are given for this which keeps the students motivated to continue the school.