According to reports, UP Board 2020 10th and 12th class result will be declared in the first week of June. UP Deputy Chief Minister Dinesh Sinha confirmed that the UP Board High School and Intermediate result 2020 will be declared on the date mentioned.
Students can check their results on its official portal
The declaration has brought great relief for students, who have been waiting for the results since February 2020.
Dinesh Sharma has said that owing to the current lockdown due to Coronavirus, the board has halted the evaluation process since 19th March 2020. He also confirmed that UPMSP has already worked out a plan to resume the evaluation work for UP Board 10th and 12th Board Exam 2020 as soon as the lockdown is lifted in the state.
Last week, a fake circular about UP Board’s decision to promote all the 10th and 12th Class Students without declaration of results went viral on different social media platforms. However, the board refuted the rumours clarifying that the board will resume the evaluation work for UP Board 10th and 12th Exam 2020 soon after the lockdown is lifted.