Implementing Agency
Hindustan University
Hindustan University Centre of Excellence in Innovation and Visualisation (HUCEIV) has virtual simulation and experimental projects for the students and industrial personnel.There is a nodal centre for e-learning,testing and research in Structural Engineering with Computer Aided Laboratory(MNSECAL). The Virtual Labs allow the students to perform experiments that cannot be done in physical labs. Virtual ALSIM Flight Simulator can remotely simulate the aircraft flying.
To create a virtual lab for e-learning, testingand research inStructural /Computer/Aeronautical/AutomobileEngineering
• Reduction in overheads
• Increased better skilled students
• Up gradation of technical knowledge of the industry personnel
Target Group:
Students from around the world; professionals, engineers and employees of various aviation, automobile, computing, electronics and instrumentation and civil industries
In the beginning we faced the challenge of getting our concept accepted by the management. While implementing the technology, we faced many issues related to modern hardware and software. There were connectivity related issues, which had to be tackled in effective ways by the experts.
Changing The Ed-Eco-System
Implementing Agency
Galgotias University
Galgotias University has been established with the mission “of graduting socially responsible future technologists and business leaders”. Galgotias University enables the systematic developments of thinking quotient across an academic environment. Thinking defines us and propels us towards right knowledge. We believe that for India to be a world leader
in innovation, it needs eco-systems that develop mature thinking quotient as a continuous process.
At Galgotias University, we have diversified and upgraded the content and quality of the technical education
• Ranked amongst Top Engineering/ Management Institutions by leading Global Corporate and the National Media
• Galgotias Moonbuggy was selected to be displayed at US Space and Rocket Centre with a permanent recognition.
Target Group:
The students, who derive pleasure from learning for its own sake
The challenges that we face are related to globalisation and the knowledge economy. Many initiatives are being taken by Government of India through MHRD to raise the professional standards of teaching. Research is a highly valued activity
for academic staff and while there is still a strong bias towards the traditional scholarship of discovery. Current Higher Education policy also seeks to promote integrative and applied research practices. Implementation and adoption of the ever changing technologies in the field of higher education is also fraught with challenges.
Offering High Tech Learning
Implementing Agency
JK Lakshmipat University
JK Lakshmipat University (JKLU) offers students an open, green and high-tech learning environment, combining the serene settings of the Gurukuls of yesteryears with the technological advancements of the new age. JKLU has been set up
under Rajasthan Private Universities Act by “Lakshmipat Singhania Foundation for Higher Learning”.
The mission of the University is to practice a ‘mentoring ‘based education system within intellectual, moral and spiritual Culture that is rooted in Indian ethos
Faculty members have represented the University at international forums in different countries, like Singapore, Czechoslovakia and UAE (Dubai)
Target Group:
Indian residents, foreign nationals, persons of Indian origins, children of Indian workers in Gulf countries, and other non-resident Indians
A major challenge was related to the creation of state of the art infrastructure within a short period of time. All the recruitments and selections were done after involving experts from national institutes. Merit was the sole criterion. It was a challenge to get the right kind of people on-board for the project. Scalable designs and solutions were preferred over the rigid ones. The entire exercise of building the brands was also fraught with complications.
Propelling Innovative Minds
Implementing Agency
Apeejay Stya University (ASU)
Apeejay Stya University has adopted a dedicated liberal education approach, one that is designed to foster not only subjects oriented knowledge.It also leads to development of important social values in the students. The students learn about the virtues of developing a national identity while at the same time being in tune with global developments.They earn to value their culture and tradition and also have respect for the multi-farious ways of life in the world.
To deepen the understanding of the human condition and fostering universal values
• Established Apeejay Centre of Excellence and conducted Design and Innovation workshop jointly with MIT Media Labs, USA
• Strong industryacademia interface.
Target Group: Students
A major challenge we faced is related to aligning community and students to the liberal arts concept. The orientation of young faculty towards research and innovation is also a cause for concern. We also needed to inculcate among the faculty the liberal arts approach to the programme of teaching. The introduction of choice based credit system was also challenging. Strengthening and inculcating the culture of research right from the under graduate level was also challenging.
Bridging Distance Learning Gaps
Implementing Agency
Mahatma Gandhi University
Mahatma Gandhi University offers programmes for Certificate, Diplomas, Bachelors and Masters in many different fields. The University also offers Choice Based Credit Based programmes, especially in the field of IT, Management and Hotel Management. MGU has introduced ‘e-learning’ as a supplementary methodology for all its students to enhance understanding of key concepts and bridge the gap between distance and classroom based learning.
To reach out to the larger community of students who might not be in a position to access higher education due to geographical, economical, social or personal factors
• MGU has introduced ‘Industry Speakers and Video Lectures’ as a supplementary methodology to enhance understanding of key concepts.
Target Group:
Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Working Professionals.
Converting the content in the form of LMS and E-Books was a big task, but with the help of our strong IT team, we were able to accomplish the task. The challenge is to create and update our curriculum according to the needs of the industry so that our students are readily accepted for the placements. Conducting Flexible e-Learning and Online Examination with a large student base is a Challenge but with the help of our Strong IT Team we have overcome this challenge.
Clinical Programme
Implementing Agency
O P Jindal Global University [Centre for Clinical Programmes]
Centre for Clinical Programmes, Jindal Global School is committed to the cause of bridging the disconnect between the constitutional promise of a dignified life to every citizen and the reality of undignified human existence of majority of the
population, especially in rural India. The Jindal Global Law School clinical programmes is focussed on securing the objectives of good governance and citizen participation, in pursuance of the larger social justice mission. The clinical programmes work with communities, in collaboration with civil society organisations, to support their effective participation in local governance.
Address the problems of governance and ethical deficit.
• Government of India has recognised this model as one of the best practices for law school-based initiatives
• Sub-committee on higher education- Planning Commission of India mentions this model as strong example.
Target Group:
Rural Communities, law students, law schools, NGOs, Govt. Bodies,Policy makers
The challenge of convincing the villagers to accept this model was overcome through dialogue and co-ordination. We also faced the challenge of preparing material for legal literacy, but we managed to find our way out through the help of
law students and other communities. There were also the financial constraints. There were issues related to lack of support from the government.