Augmented virtual reality is already using problem-based learning and has created interactive real-life graphics and games where students could experience historical events, real-life situations and learn more by experience simply put it is an expansion in an immersive experience says Haseeb Faquih, Secretary, Orbis Education Society in an interview with Nidhi Shail Kujur of Elets News Network (ENN). Edited excerpts:
Tell us about your achievements in terms of ‘Innovation in Education during the year 2022.
In the year 2022, we used the interdisciplinary approach while setting assignments and projects. These assignments required gathering and using evidence to create knowledge or solve problems. Right from early classes, students made models through science kits and objects that are easily available. Various Teaching aids were used in multiple forms like pictures, videos, charts, flashcards, or educational toys to deliver the content to the students as experiential learning and not just reading.
Through robotics and exhibitions, students shared their scientific understanding and creativity. Our students through models were able to leverage the synergy between the modelling process and Maths and Science content. The introduction of Artificial Intelligence as a skill subject has provided our student’s familiarisation with technology It allows students to command basics in Computer Science and Maths.
Through Art integration, students understood Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in a non conventional way. Students were able to engage and contribute.
Our teachers helped to facilitate and ameliorate the school’s Science and Technology programs and curriculum. Understanding the need of the hour the school has catered to the technological requirements to support and spread digital literacy to not only the students but also to all the staff members.
How will futuristic technologies transform education in the year 2023?
The pedagogies will be integrated with emerging technologies and further ease the teaching-learning experiences. These emerging technologies can be integrated with any subject for example Mathematics can be taught using AI tools, and Economics using data science and data visualisation tools. Languages can be introduced by natural language processing techniques used by chat box, voice-to-text, translators and more text. AI tools can be used to create new courses and curricula that match the students’ level.
What are the innovations that accelerated the transformation of growth in the education landscape in the year 2022?
Various emerging technologies were used for creating better course content and personalised student-specific content. Augmented virtual reality is already using problem-based learning. It created interactive real-life graphics and games where students could experience historical events, and real-life situations and learn more by experience simply put it is an expansion in an immersive experience. Gamification has brought about a revolution in the learning graph of young students. The digital content libraries were extensively used and appreciated by the students.
What is your mission and vision to impact the paradigm shift of the education arena in the year 2023?
As remote and hybrid learning are here to stay they will transform the educational experiences. Our school as always will want to keep up with the latest in technology to assist in better teaching and learning at school. For the coming year, our institution has been selected as a pilot school in our district to implement Hybrid Learning, Digital Literacy and Skill Hub Initiative. We will work towards getting established as a Hybrid Learning Institution, by implementing Automation of Operations, a Digital Teaching-Learning Platform, using Digital Pedagogy.
Digital Literacy Program will once again be stressed specifically for Cyber Security, the latest trends in Information electronics and communication technology and e-Governance.